Paola Esquivel, OT, MS

Paola Esquivel is pursuing a PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and is a Fulbright Scholar. She graduated as an occupational therapist from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and completed a master's degree in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. During her master's degree, she was part of a research project about the use of Lego robots and computer programs to improve the academic performance of children with physical disabilities. After graduating, she went to Italy, where she worked with children with disabilities in community and school settings.

Current Project(s):

Student Researcher, Smart Speaker Training

Fun Tech Fact Questions & Answers:

Q: Mainstream tech device you can’t live without? Why?  

A: My cell phone! I do everything with it! It is my right hand as an expat. I can make video calls to family and friends, use apps to get around town, keep up with things going on around me, and so on. It's an amazing tool for everyday situations.

Q: What was your first cell phone?  

A: I think it was a Motorola C115. I was in middle school, so I didn't use it much, just to play games.

Q: What mainstream tech device is at the top of your wish list? Or, what new tech can you not get enough of?  

A: Well, since I use my phone a lot, I would love to have the latest version of the iPhone and all its accessories. I don't have the latest version, but it would be great to have it someday.

Q: If you were a mainstream tech device, what would you be, and why?  

A: Maybe one of those Furbo Dog Cameras. It would be great to be able to provide so much joy to a dog! I love animals, especially dogs, so I would be so happy to see them every day and give them treats!